Thursday, October 11, 2018

5:00 PM - Check - In
6:00 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - General Session hosted by Pastor Tommy Burchfield
Jabin Chavez - Guest Minister
9:00 PM - Food Fellowship for all registered guests - Fellowship Room

Friday, October 12, 2018

8:00 AM - Continental Breakfast - Fellowship Room
8:00 AM - Doors Open
9:00 AM - Building and Blessing His Church
Pastor Rachel
10:00 AM - Mrs. Abby Cirkles - South Suite
10:00 AM - Pastor Andrew Burchfield - Main Sanctuary
11:00 AM - Pastor Peter Burchfield - Main Sanctuary
11:00 AM - Pastor Gabe & Mrs. Heather Munoz - South Suite
11:45 AM - Summit Luncheon - Fellowship Room

Afternoon Break - Fellowship, Katy Mills Outlet Mall, Hotel

1:00 PM - Leadership Session hosted by Pastor Andrew Burchfield - Main Sanctuary

Evening Break - Fellowship, Katy Mills Outlet Mall, Hotel

6:00 PM - Doors Open
7:00 PM - General Session hosted by Pastor Tommy Burchfield
Chuck Pierce - Guest Minister
9:00 PM - Food Fellowship for all registered guests - Fellowship Room

Saturday, October 13, 2018

8:00 AM - Continental Breakfast - Fellowship Room
8:00 AM - Doors Open
9:00 AM - Building and Blessing His Church
Pastor Rachel Burchfield
Pastor Tommy Burchfield
12:00 PM - Summit World Conference Concludes

Schedule subject to change.